In [78]:
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
In [79]:
import numpy as np
#from chainconsumer import ChainConsumer
from corner import corner
In [2]:
! ls -lt /scratch/users/swmclau2/PearceMCMC/*.hdf5
In [81]:
#fname = '/scratch/users/swmclau2/PearceMCMC/500_walkers_10000_steps_chain_cosmo_zheng_xi_lowmsat.npy'
fname = '/scratch/users/swmclau2/PearceMCMC/test_mcmc.hdf5'
In [82]:
n_walkers = 500
n_burn = 15000
In [83]:
from itertools import islice
In [84]:
chain_list = []
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
step_counter = 0
header = f.readline() #header
chain_pnames = header[1:].split()
while True:
next_lines = islice(f, n_walkers)
#if step_counter % 1000 == 0:
# print step_counter, len(chain_list)
if step_counter <= n_burn:
for line in next_lines:
next_lines = np.array([ np.fromstring(line, sep = ' ') for line in next_lines], dtype=float)
if len(next_lines) < 1:
In [85]:
chain = np.vstack(chain_list)
In [86]:
print chain.shape, chain.shape[0]/n_walkers
In [87]:
n_params = chain.shape[1] if len(chain.shape) > 1 else 1
In [88]:
MAP = chain.mean(axis = 0)
print MAP
In [89]:
param_names = [r'$N_{eff}$', r'$\log(M_0)$',r'$\log(M_1)$', r'$H_0$',r'$w_0$', r'$\ln(10A_s)$', r'$\Omega_c h^2$',
r'$\sigma_{\log M }$', r'$\alpha$', r'$n_s$', r'$\Omega_b h^2$']
In [90]:
hod_idxs = np.array([1, 2, 7, 8])
cosmo_idxs = np.array([0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10])
In [91]:
if chain.shape[1] == 7:
cosmo_chain = chain
hod_chain = chain[:, hod_idxs]
cosmo_chain = chain[:, cosmo_idxs]
In [92]:
In [93]:
hod_param_names = [r'$\log(M_0)$',r'$\sigma_{\log M }$',r'$\log(M_1)$' ,r'$\alpha$' ]
cosmo_param_names = [r'$N_{eff}$', r'$H_0$', r'$w_0$', r'$\Omega_c h^2$', r'$\ln(10A_s)$' ,r'$n_s$',r'$\Omega_b h^2$' ]
In [94]:
from pearce.mocks import cat_dict
cosmo_params = {'simname':'testbox', 'boxno': 0, 'realization':1, 'scale_factors':[1.0], 'system': 'sherlock'}
cat = cat_dict[cosmo_params['simname']](**cosmo_params)#construct the specified catalog!
In [95]:
cpv = cat._get_cosmo_param_names_vals()
cat_val_dict = {key: val for key, val in zip(cpv[0], cpv[1])}
In [96]:
#cosmo_true_vals = [3.7,70.7317,-1.13151,0.12283, 3.11395, 0.953515, 0.021762]
cosmo_true_vals = [cat_val_dict[pn] for pn in chain_pnames if pn in cat_val_dict]
In [97]:
print cosmo_true_vals
In [98]:
emulation_point = [('logM0', 13.5), ('sigma_logM', 0.25),
('alpha', 0.9),('logM1', 13.5)]
In [99]:
hod_true_vals = [13.5, 0.25,13.5, 0.9]
In [100]:
corner(hod_chain, labels=hod_param_names,
quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84],
truths = hod_true_vals,
show_titles=True, title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12},
plot_datapoints =False, plot_density = True);
In [101]:
corner(cosmo_chain, labels=cosmo_param_names,
quantiles=[0.13, 0.5, 0.86],
truths = cosmo_true_vals,
show_titles=True, title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12},
plot_datapoints = True, plot_density = True);
In [ ]: